Friday, April 3, 2009

Daddy & Addie Night!

After a month, Mama finally decided to go out with the girls and leave Addie with her Daddy. Thanks to a nice long checklist, we know what we are supposed to do...well wouldn't you know it, Addie had other ideas. Initially she said she wanted to go play golf, and then head to Progreso for tacos. I told her that probably wasn't a good idea and we should hold off until she can drive the golf cart a little better. So with that idea dismissed, Addie asked to take a nice warm bath and then to get dressed in her favorite color...burnt orange of course. Daddy couldn't help but to oblige and make his baby happy. As you can she was really excited...

She even started to do a little dance...

This little game came to an end when Daddy brought out the Aggie bear and Addie got onery...

Addie really made Daddy laugh when she said "Hope Aggie like mustard!" Others may just hear baby noises, but Daddy understands!

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